28 Okt. We moved!
Hi everyone,
Long time no see. I know I’ve said that over and over again, but oh well here we go again 😉
My boyfriend and I moved in July and I thought I’d share how we decorated our little home. It’s crazy how much at home I feel here. Not that I didn’t feel like it in our student home, I really did, but having your own flat simply feels different, bigger I guess and a little more real. Speaking of, it acutally is bigger. The best upgrades, in my opininon, are not having to wash my dishes in the bathroom sink, having a bigger bed to share and the one thing I probably love the most about it, having our own kitchen. This also means that I fell back in love with cooking and baking again.
But now let me show you around a little.
We start right from where you come in. We don’t really have a separate entrance area, so we put a clothing rack there and hung a key-holder that I made myself, to make it feel more like one.
The whole flat is very open and has a cool loft vibe to it I believe.
When you enter you are right in the dining room. We tried to make it three little areas in this one room.
So I already showed you the entry area, then we also have a cozy nook, where we have Flos bar cart and a comfy chair and then we have the dining table.
Right next to the dining room you walk into our kitchen, one of my absolute favourite places in the flat as I said before.
(and yup I cleaned for your little tour, it surly isn’t always that clean – more like never…)
You might have noticed already that I love having plants around the flat. I simply think it makes the whole space much more homy and cozy. My current new hobby is propagating plants. The two chinese money plants (or as we call it in German Ufo-Pflanzen) are two babies of a friends plant that I „babysat“ for a while. I am also currently trying to propagate a kalanchoe and a schefflera, which you can see have already formed little water-roots.
If we continue our little tour it leads us into our bed room. It’s very cozy but nothing spectacular, since we mostly only sleep in here.
We also have a desk in there, because we thought that we might need our separate spaces to study every now and then.
Of course we have a bathroom and a toilett and apart from the stunning view of a road on Isle Mull (a foto that Flo took on holiday) you have when you sit on our toilett, they simply serve their purpose I guess.
If you’ve seen the other blog post about our student home you might recognize a few things we had there already.
We generally tried to have a good mix of old furniture and things from our families‘ homes, some thrifted stuff and also a few new pieces, which I think make a very good combination.
Moving on there is one final room, which is our living room, where we are a lot of the time. Again we have two little areas in one bigger space. So we have the chill-area with the coolest couch in my opinion, a TV and a cool Art- piece which I had my eye on for a loooong time and my mum got us for a house warming gift.
And then we have the „office“ side, where we keep our materials for uni, a lovely desk and our newest addition my keyboard, which I am so so happy and excited about, since I really missed playing here in Graz.
I think that the walls are one of the coolest features of this flat and those little brick- ledges, I guess you could call them. I love having those specific spaces for little nig nags that I collected over the years.
I guess you got more than a little insight into our home here, but more a full on tour, but I really wanted to have a place to collect those pictures since this is our first own flat. When I look back on the post of our student home I rememeber all those memories I collected there, ones that I never want to lose.
See you soon,
xx Lena
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