Saying goodbye is hard

Hi everyone,

I can’t believe it’s only 3 days until I’m getting on the plane to Ireland to start this new journey. Obviously I’m more than excited to finally meet my host family, especially the three children and of course about getting to know my new home for the next 6 months.

But the time before that, isn’t the easiest. I already am through saying good bye to my dearest friends. This was harder than expected, since there is no need in being sad, because I’ll be seeing them again in no time, but definitly the easier part of all the good byes.

Saying good bye to my family will be harder I suppose, and I’m definitly not looking forward to a tearful good bye at the airport. But they will hopefully come to visit me, and isn’t there some proverb, which says  „blood is thicker than water“?  Well of course I’ll be sad, but I know they’ll support me, wherever in the world I am and I can’t tell you how greatful I am for that.

One of the hardest good byes will definitly be my boyfriend. I know for sure, that our relationship is more than strong enough for a challenge like this and that we’ll just come out of this even stronger than before, but nevertheless it hurts, saying good bye to the person you can’t really be without a single week.

Sure some of you might think, „oh what a positive first post“ and I can’t blame you for that. But I can promise you, that I’ll have lots of positive vibes coming your way, as I hope that my time as an AuPair will mostly be about collecting happy memories. Nevertheless life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies and in this blog I really want to be just real, I guess. How unfair would it be, to only let you know about all the Up’s and just pretend there are no Downs at all? That’s definitly not how life works, is it?

But that’s it for now. Thank you so much for taking your time reading this post, I appreciate it a lot.

Until then lots of love,


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  • Clara Lehner
    Posted at 23:34h, 23 August Antworten

    The first person to comment is telling you I love this post and I miss you. 💕And to tell you, that this adventure is worth all the tears in the beginning😊

    • Lena Schneeberger
      Posted at 00:00h, 24 August Antworten

      Oh I miss you too.💜
      Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
      Since you’re already through this part of the journey and you like it so much where you are now, I’m sure it won’t be much different for me. Lots of love your way💓

  • Daniela Schneeberger
    Posted at 00:33h, 24 August Antworten

    I‘m sooo proud of my „Little Girl“, all of a sudden grown up, sounding that confident and strong! I‘m totally convinced, you‘ll collect uncountable, unforgettable and wonderful impressions of people, the foreign country and moments!
    Of course, you’ll make this! 💖
    Love, Mum😍

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