22 Okt. Galway
Hi everyone,
How are you? I hope all of you are doing great.
My weekend has been pretty nice and I’d love to tell you a little bit about it.
On Saturday morning my alarm rang at 5:00am, because in order to make the most of it, four friends of mine and I planned to take the first possible Dart to Dublin. You can probably imagine how our train ride looked like. Very much like that:
We hopped onto a bus in Dublin which took us straight to Galway. It actually is pretty amazing, that after a three and a half hour journey you are on the opposite side of the country. We headed straight to our hostel, where we dropped off our bags and then went out to explore the new city. I have to say Galway is definitly a city to fall in love with, street artists on every corner, amazing pubs and so much diversity in quite a small area. The street artisits made the most divine music. I even got quite emotional during a song a little girl sang, because it reminded me of home, my family and my boyfriend and I couldn’t help myself but feel a little sad in that moment, even though I really enjoyed being there. And you know what, showing your real emotions and not having to hide them from the people you are with can be very healing, because you realize you are not the only one who feels like that sometimes, even when you are in an amazing environment.
Not only did we see the blue house (the first blue house on the left in this picture) from whos window Ed Sheeran looks out at the end in the musicvideo of Galway girl (which we didn’t fangirl about at all, oh noooo) but we also got to take a walk at the beautiful sea promenade and it’s a stone’s throw from one to the other, but they fell like two completly different worlds.
After collecting first impressions of Galway and a big lunch we went back to the hostel, because my Spanish friends (three of the four girls I travelled with are) needed their „SieĢsta“, which I had nothing to complain about, because to be honest I needed it just as much.
Afterwards we went back into the city to have Crepes at a food market, we stopped and listened to really amazing street musicians and took a lot of photos with all the christmas decorations, that were already hung up (in the middle of October, excuse me!?) Then we decided to hide from the rain, that had started again, in one of the warm pubs, where we had some drinks and enjoyed the amazing live music. Still can’t get over the fact, that you get a live concert whenever you go out into a pub, I mean does it get any better?
After a very good breakfast in the hostel, which we all didn’t expect for the price we actually payed, we made our way to Galways beautiful Cathedral. What we absolutely forgot was, that it was a Sunday morning, so our little tour through the cathedral was accompanied by organ music, which gave everything a very special touch. After that we went to have a look at Galways university which was pretty amazing, not only because it looked like a building from the Harry Potter movies, but also because my friend Lidia decided to study there from next year on. It also made me look forward to my next chapter, which will be going to university as well. I am so thankful that I got this time here to think about things. The next step always had been taking a gap year in between school and university, but I never was totally sure about what I wanted to actually study after that. I can happily say that it slowly but surly gets clearer for me what I want to do and I am feeling more secure looking into the future.
We couldn’t believe that we even got some rays of sunlight as well that day, so we enjoyed our last hours sitting outside, eating burgers in the sun and having the fanciest coffee and pastries ever in the „Jungle Cafe“.
Thanks to the four girls for the best travelling company you could wish for.
I have a little extra treat this time, because one of the girls posts videos of her travelling adventures on her youtube channel and she said I could link it here, so you could have a look at our lovely little trip from someone elses perspective.
See you next week again,
Lena xx
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