15 Jan. From flowers to beaches
Hi everyone,
I am back. After my last two very exciting blog-posts, I took a little break from writing. There hasn’t been too much going on, so I thought I’d just collect a few special moments from my last two weeks and tell you all about it then. Since my host mum is currently in London for a two week seminar, I am living my best „mum-live“. I didn’t think it would make much of a difference, I mean normally I look after them by myself as well, until my host parents come home, but somehow I have a different connection to the girls, since my host-mum went to London. On the one hand I love it, because I definitly get a pretty good insight into motherhood and what it means to have a looot of responsibilities, on the other hand it is very exhausting and I really admire all mothers around the world, because woooow, that sh**t can be tiring! (Excuse me!)
The first Saturday of the year I spent in peace, starting with meeting my friend Andrea for a lovely lunch. It was really good catching up with her, over a nice meal and afterwards a cup of coffee, talking about everything and anything. After that we went plant shopping and I got a little cactus for my beautiful flower-pot, that I got myself for Christmas and honestly it makes me super happy when I see it first thing after waking up.
In the evening Lidia and I decided to meet for a nice glass of wine, to catch up as well ( even if it had only been five days with not seeing each other, we had plenty to catch up on – live’s busy guys :’D) and to try out a new restaurante/bar in Greystones, because our aim is to go to all restaurantes in Greystones and then write a restaurante-guide together. (if you ever plan on coming here, keep an eye out for that on my blog ;))
The next day we were blessed with wonderful weather, so Andrea and I decided to visit Dublins Botanical gardens. And let me tell you, this was an absolute success. If you visit Dublin and you are lucky enough to get some sunny days, you really should visit it. We were in awe of the huge greenhouses and all the beautiful plants inside it. The sun was shining through the glass and put everything into the perfect light, which we obviously used to take a few lovely shots. We felt very much at peace in this special place, surrounded by all those amazing plants and the warm light and I think we manged to capture it that way in some of the pictures, so here you go:
I hope you aren’t bored yet, but I got only a few more, that I just wanted to have in this post. If you want to go on reading, just scroll through them quickly.
We had a proper little shoot there and literarelly spent all the afternoon in this magical place. It probably sounds weird to some of you, when I am talking about a place like this, but I really just loved being there and since this is going to be a diary for me as well, I want to know how I actually felt and this is exactly how.
Then we headed back to Dublin, to have a snack and go back to Greystones and we ended up taking a shot of Ha’Penny bridge, which you can find on so many postcards, but we made our own one.:
On Tuesday Lidia and I had our second Juice-day. You probably already know, that Lidia is Italian so even if she actually doesn’t have much of an Italian accent at all, some words still sound a bit funny when she says them, just like some of my, in Austrian-English pronounced, words might sound funny as well. Two in her English sounds more like tshuh and Tuesday more like Juice-day and I actually mentioned it to her on a Tuesday, when we were drinking some orange-juice – coincidence? I don’t think so. So here you go. Today we had our third juice-day and we are planning on having one every week, until I come back and who knows probably we will keep on going, even if we physically don’t sit next to each other.
(jup I know I have a red face and puffy eyes on the first picture, but to my defence, this picture was taken at the airport after saying good bye to Lidias family and before saying good bye to her, so I think that counts as a good excuse right?)
On Wednesday I invited my three friends over, to have dinner at my place. I cooked some Mexican chilli sin carne, with guacamole and tortillia chips and we enjoyed it with a glass of wine. The actual reason was to plan for all the remaining weekends we had left together and we realized that, we wouldn’t have that many left, but I better not start thinking about this again, because then I surly won’t be able to get this blog post done tonight.
Something not connected to anything else in this post, but I just wanted to throw it in here (as a little reminder for myself) is, that I really enjoyed starting doing Yoga everyday again and drawing more and it definitly makes my soul very happy, so I better keep those good habits up.
On the weekend, I stayed in Greystones, to help my host-dad out a little bit with the kids. So I got to enjoy and appreciate beautiful Greystones beach again with my friends as we went for a walk on a sunny afternoon. I am really lucky living that close to the sea and I am planning on making more use of that again and do some strolls around here more often.
(Nope I am not actually wearing glasses – just wanted to give my hipster-alter ego some space on that day)
And on Sunday we had another amazingly sunny day, on which I used my free afternoon for showing some of my friends the cliffwalk. The first time for them and the fifth for me, imagine how much like a pro I felt, when I showed them good spots off the beaten tracks (Aaah I finally feel like I know my way around here a little bit)
And that is basically what I have been up to in those last two weeks. Not terribly exciting things, but I made wonderful memories with people I really learnt to love in these last, nearly five months.
Thanks for taking your time either reading the whole thing or flicking through my pictures, both is very much appreciated. Have a lovely rest of the week.
See you soon,
Lena xx
Posted at 20:24h, 16 JanuarReading the whole thing is definitively a MUST for me, I just like to mention!! 😉 I am REALLY looking forward your next blog post – like all the times before…
Love *** Mum
Lena Schneeberger
Posted at 20:32h, 16 JanuarAw very good, I am glad you like them so much and that you like reading them: Makes me very happy.
Much love to you, hear you soon Lena ;*