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Meet the author

I’m going to use this little space here on my blog, to just tell you a little bit about me, about my life, simply just a little bit about who I am.

So my name is Lena- I know this was quite obvious, since the name of my blog is, simple as it is, my full name, but nevertheless it’s just part of who I am. I am 20 years old and live in beautiful Graz in Austria.

In general I would describe myself asĀ an outgoing, happy and open minded person. When I am not currently talking or laughing about something, you might find me hanging out with my boyfriend and friends, dancing around in the local dance school, taking pictures of everything, travelling somewhere special or cooking and eating yummy food and doing all of that whilst unashamedly singing some tune, that is stuck in my head, outloud. These are my favourite things to do, and pretty much describe me quite well.

I was an AuPair in Greystones, Ireland from August 2018-March 2019, which was one of the best experiences I’ve ever done in my whole life. I kept writing a little diary on here, so if you are interested in what the life of an AuPair looks like or if you are looking for any kind of travel tips or travelling inspo for Ireland, just flick through my posts of that time.

Currently I am studying Physiotherapy in Graz, which I am loving a ton. I’ll post about studentlife, travelling, zero waste and basically about everything I think is worth sharing with the internet.

Moreover I’ll have some other news for you sometimes around new year, so stay tuned for that, I am very excited to share that with you.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=“transparent“ thickness=“0″ up=“0″ down=“36″][button target=“_self“ hover_type=“default“ text=“Contact me“ link=“https://www.lenaschneeberger.at/contact-2/“][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]